We had to learn to swim




„Oh no, it’s starting to rain.. Wait.. is that…blood…? No it cannot be, right? Why would the sky cry blood?“

„I saw that fluid way way back in our distant past. I think it was like… 10, 12, 15 something years ago. In fact, its interesting I cannot even pinpoint the moment in time, as it changed our lives forever.“

„So.. what was it then? Did it look like this, too?“

„Kind of. I think it was a little lighter and not that dark of a color. And it was safely stored behind a dam. My memory is a little clouded but it was the first time that dam broke. We couldnt believe it then… I mean, how could we, right? It was the first time we were ever able to see whats behind it.
So we were living down there in the valley below the dam – minding our own business; going on with our days. None of us ever even considered it could break. We settled here 13 years ago, never having any doubt that it was not safe. Once we found a little leak but there was nothing coming out of it and it was so small that we considered it just to be a part of the dam.
When it broke, everything happened too fast, nobody was safe. None of us even knew what swimming is. We did not even know what fluids are. It was an event that…“

„How did you survive this? It sounds like an absolute catastrophy!“

„Oh I didn’t. I died, too. I could not swim. Just like the others I never saw fluids before. But I was reborn. I know that I had a family before. But I lost all of my memories about them. Lost a few friends, too. Tragic, indeed.“

„Are you… sure you think its tragic? You sound so chill about it. Oh, and sorry for interrupting you earlier.“

„Dont worry about it. I understand this story can get one quite emotional.
Anways, I do not want to understate how much it hurt to witness this day. But it also changed me in a good way. As I said, it was over a decade ago. Dont get me wrong, I loved the people around me back then. I treasure what is left of them to this day. Even though my memory is clouded, I know they formed me.
But today I have a new family. A new life. A life so different, that I sometimes forget that any past even exists. On the other hand, now that we talk about it, it feels nice to refresh the memory.“

„What do you think, why is that stuff falling down from the sky now?“

„No idea. Ever since the dam broke we had some incidents where It has seeped up through the ground. But from the sky? Thats new.

„I feel like you are avoiding to tell me what it exactly is…“

„Well, yes. I know the answer will not satisfy and probably frustrate you and you know me, I always look out for you. I want you to be happy, always.“

„I’m old enough! I’m way taller than I was last week and I even found a hair on my chest! Please, just tell me. I promise I wont be sad.“

„Ha, okay, okay. Listen. First of all you have to know that it looks different for everyone. But for the two of us it has the same color. Red. It got darker over time but it has always been a shade of red.
There are different thicknesses, too. When I was in your age, it was super fluidy, just like water. As you saw just now, this is dark red and quite thick, like blood.“

„So it changes over time but it is still the same… stuff?“


„You know what? You were right. Ha, you’re always right. I cannot talk about this anymore. I am too tired. I dont need to understand this right now. It’s fine. Right? It is fine if I don’t rush it?“

„Yes, of course! Take all the time you need. Just be warned that…“

The rain stopped. They both gazed into the sky.

„Finally, peace.“, they both said in perfect harmony.